Sunday, February 19, 2017


February 19, 2017
Epiphany 7
Leviticus 19:9-18
Matthew 5:38-48

     Karl Barth - “Take your Bible and take your newspaper, and read both. But interpret newspapers from your Bible."
     Every assertion (bible, law, philosophy) is subject to interpretation.  Even physics-math.
     Politicians, media, other voices distinguish between neighbour and enemy.  Do we accept those lines and love one and hate the other?
     Hate your enemies is not biblical.
     Love you neighbour is Leviticus: honesty, justice, excess to benefit others, no grudge or vengeance.
     Luke parable: who qualifies as 'neighbour'.  Get off on a technicality.
     You have heard that it was said, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” But I say to you, Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; and if anyone wants to sue you and take your coat, give your cloak as well; and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile.
     Eye for an eye... Exodus follow up to Ten Commandments: limited legalized retribution... revenge. 
     As metaphor: the punishment should fit the crime.
     Are the punishments in Exodus 21-23 really eye for an eye: for lawyers and philosophers to sort out.
     Reality: privilege stacks the deck... then and now.
     Why did Jesus turn this on its head? Less justice for victims?
     Jean Valjean (steal bread to feed).  Need coat?  OK,  but did Jesus go too far... especially re: violence.
     Truth of darwinism: strong survive?
     Star Wars: R2D2 v Chewbacca.
     Jesus: even if you are the strongest, chose to let them win.
     Christians chose to be doormats? 
     Pacifist, passive residence to violence... sure, but give in to non-violent opposition too?  Give every squeaky wheel it's grease?  Shun the introverts for the extroverts?  Keep the voiceless mute?  Re-victimize?
     Too easy to just say 'love everyone', without struggling with what that means.
     Each of us knows what it feels like to like someone or something or to loath them.  People and ideas garner different levels of respect.  I try really hard to be respectful of everyone, but deep down... I really don't like some.  Is that not supposed to matter?
     Or... understand why it matters... and to really decide how much our opinions and experiences justify the devaluing the worthiness of others (in the eyes of God at least)
     Harsh punishment is easy to justify-impose if dehumanized: a monster, criminal, enemy.
     But people we care about: we treat with compassion, help, reclaim, repair.  At least a second chance... often way more.
     Jesus: apply that to those you don't care about.
     Everyone is an image of God regardless of label.
     Can cherry-pick bible to support capital punishment, slavery, etc. People did/do.
     Jesus: don't just quote scripture about punishment... be just... justice based on compassion-love.
     Interpret. Think. Chose. Act.
     What do we do with Jesus' implication that the bully, the thief, the dictator, the greedy, the selfish, the violent are to be loved as deep in our hearts as our dearest neighbour?
     Jesus knows this is NOT easy.  Don’t avoid the hard.
     Don't just pretend 'they' don't exist.  Don't pretend they aren't as much of God as us.  Lock 'em up and forget 'em.
     Play on words.  Eye for an eye.  See with eyes of God.  Love with Jesus' heart.
     Minimum: when we just CAN'T 'love' our enemies at this idealized level - for reasons that are well-reasoned and right for us - at the very least, don't deny or begrudge God the ability to love them with the full depth of the divine heart.
     Don't force God to wear our image, just because it is hard to our enemies bearing the image of God.

Let us pray: 
God, we proclaim the hard faith that your love has no limits.  We will try to expand limits of our love.  Amen.

#365VU “Jesus Loves Me”

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