Sunday, February 15, 2015


February 15, 2015
Epiphany Last
Mark 9:2-10
µ       Six days earlier Peter called Jesus, Messiah.  But Jesus spoke discouragingly about that language.  In Mark, Jesus seemed to prefer the title Son of Man when talking about himself: in the world, not over it.
µ       Peter may have been discouraged by Jesus' rebuke.
µ       But on that private mountain, Peter saw something that touched his soul:  Jesus - beyond even grandest hopes.  It rekindled his insight that Jesus was Messiah.
µ       Peter: "let me put up tents for you".  Hospitable for Jesus, Moses, Elijah and/or so the moment would last (for him, us).
µ       Challenge: when it didn't last, discouraged from sharing in (Marken messianic secret).
µ       But what did it mean?  Moses - liberation, law?  Elijah - prophet, eternity, sign of messiah?
µ       Followers of Jesus (through history of church), still discussing what it all means.
µ       That was great.  Let’s do it every year.
µ       Kennon Callihan: Marathoners; Sprinters.
µ       Appreciate the moment - in the moment.
µ       Make plans - set goals, expectations, but know that - until they occur, actual future events are not know.
µ       UCC future. Explain as much as I can.  Changes and n Canadian church realities - urbanization, corporate farming, travel, technology, securitization.  Church was slow to accept change was happening (spent too long lamenting), little lone embrace the changes - live in the present.
µ       Relate to 1925 (Union), 1994 (GC38), 1998 (ANWC) - MMM; Jasper; YHP regions.  All NEW things.
µ       "Behold, I am doing a new thing!" Isaiah 43:19 - 'IN' exile, not afterwards.
µ       My original plans when Called to SDUC; my future plans now.
µ       Star Trek: Boldly go...
µ       Messianic Secret no longer applies.  We can openly wonder what it all means.
µ       WonderCafe.  EZ Answer Squirrel.  Linnea Good: "Answers are many and questions too few."
µ       What does it all mean? is not simply a question of learning (the one true answer is out there; someone already knows it) - it is an invitation to learn,  discern, and discover.
µ       Context.  Context.  Context.
µ       Learn (then), discern (now) and confirm (in time).
µ       Pass it on - so future learning discerning and confirming can happen,

Let us pray:
Open our hearts to see your glory, O God - shining in Christ, shining in all of your prophets, saints and teachers throughout the ages.  Refresh our commitment to follow Jesus’ Way.  Amen.

#289VU “Pass It On”

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